

The world has lost her innocence and pride, what with crime, war, arrogance, hate, corruption and all the badges of badblood marking those within her bossom like scars on a bruised skin. It does seem unlikely anyone will escape the wrath of all these. There is already enough of it going around. But there is hope for the younger generation if and only if, they are wise enough to shone these nagative trends by exhibiting self-control, discipline and maturity. Aspire to adopt the winning attitude and remember that future global economic, social and enviromental advancement depends on their desire for positive change.

Where You Stand As a Young Person

When I was a child who knew nothing about my rights, duties and obligations, the black sheep of the society was a description that best suited me then. This was a handicap situation that fell behind as I grew up into a more reasonable young person; inspired by only the things that promised a secure future. Life became more interesting as I realized that I had something to live for. I had a vision; to achieve all the things that I set out to do in order to overcome challenges; an ambition to assume the responsibility unique to the contemporary world of today. Look at the world as a fast moving traffic where a toad can not cross over except if it decides to learn how to fly. But of course, it might decide not to make the attempt at crossing at all and be branded a coward. Or it might decide to be a toad leaping in traffic and be crushed. The world is a sophisticated environment where young people can not afford to deny or play dumb to the increasing opportunities that points at developme