After the failure of the MDGs (Millennium development goals) to meet their targets, world leaders have come up with new global goals for development across the world, they committed to these new targets at the last UN's General Assembly. The MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) suffered from serious design flaws, in addition to the fact that no discussion was included of the mechanisms by which these goals were to be achieved or how states and international organisations and government bodies were to be held accountable for failure of their established promises. Now, this is what the SDGs has come to correct. As currently drafted, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals - 17 in number) will represent a tool for development, with all and sundry involved. Governments will be held accountable. Clearly, lack of awareness contribute to the challenges of MDG and lack of frame work to consolidate the achievements of the MDG in the areas of maintaining and sustaining the project's achi...