Development they say is a continuous process which also means that positive change and development go hand in hand. Development of course does not exist in a vacuum , it has to be initiated and achieved, be concrete and practical. In Benue state where the River Benue journeys through the heart of Makurdi , the state capital and where the landmark is proudly stretched out and welcoming to both indigenes and visitors alike. We can say that the river is a blessing to the Benue people. Natural landmarks exist to be utilized for development's sake and for the common good of people where they are found. When this happens, development is said to have taken place. The river Benue can be put to many uses, aside from fishing in its waters and extracting Sandy Soil for building and construction. N ote the following propositions - Make possible for small cargo ships to come in with and for goods or other merchandise. This will be possible after dredging the river to make enough sailing r...