Historically, the institution of knighthood, and the female equivalent, damehood, stems from the holy orders that the Catholic Church established in the Middle Ages. The institution was transformed when the French bourgeoisie began to reward members of the Third Estate, first for distinguished service on the field of battle and later for civilian achievements. In my mind, the confinement of knighthood on the self differs. I think of it as the reward you receive by divine right and in total readiness to serve yourself and then others. In this interpretation, you do not need anyone's approval to become knighted. You are the Knight maker, not the head of state, the king or queen. And it starts with an affirmation: I am the knight. You must also recognize the place of the conscious, subconscious and superconscious (God Mind), and how they are connected. What you think and say consciously is immediately imprinted into your subconscious and is acted upon by the superconscious. Not being ...