
Showing posts with the label Wisdom


They spoke and i listened. Carrying notes of experiences over the track of many years, their voices chased away other thoughts from the folds of my head. These were Doctors and Professors of Academia, seated at tables only inches from mine. No need to strain my ears, you see.  Huge chunks of wisdom peeled off the varied issues they raised. Many parts of the Arts and Humanities were being analyzed with a mix of humor and fact. Of particular interest were ongoing Indigenous Research begun, tenets of old and internal politics. The later of which is almost always a product of all sorts departments.  After an hour of such ruminations, my older cousin, a Doctor of politics himself, left the gathering. Returning to his office, he wanted to know what i made of the 'orientation' as he called it. Quite engrossing was my immediate reply.  This truth is often lost in most communities across Africa today. It is important to find that common ground that would generate understanding


Kator was close to tears while struggling to hold at bay his little's brother's fists, and had to smack the mischievous boy hard on the head. A loud cry issued. Their mother was in her sleepinhg quarters when the fight began. Long before morning, dawn had found her working on some work related documents and then house chores. She was tired and needed to rest for a while. Her sons' refusal to reconcile their childish charad lent her no relief. "Why should you two spoil the peace in this house ehn." She said, walking into the sitting room where Wange's angry voice kept its volume up. "Wange Cii zwa la!" "I wanted to sleep on the long chair but Wange won't let me. I told him to leave me alone and he started to fight me." Kator attempted to explain "Its a lie Mummy, i wanted to sleep there first." "Let me hear anymore noise from you two again. We will see if this house will contain all of us." This quelled them for