The need to evolve in today’s skill-based world is a continuous process; as such people must slip into as many roles as possible and take advantage of the hands-on support and open-source platforms that are placing a premium on new responsibilities. Until recently, my writing has been tied mostly to business ideation, narratives, and commentaries. Now, however, that role has expanded into a more technical field dealing with scripting, sequencing, and content formatting for video and virtual projects. As the Team lead for developing the Tech-Bridges Associates’ SeeDoo TV Travel Guide; a mini-docu series and a virtual based project, I had the opportunity to latch on to technical writing and build relevant competency in the field. Three years prior (2017), I made my entry debut in the field of Robotics; working with RoboRAVE International through the country’s directorate, RoboRAVE Nigeria (with support from the U.S Consulate, Lagos) as a Certified Train...