IEEI Africa pledges to mobilize and enlighten young people through workshops, conferences, seminars and other leadership programs and platforms to inspire them to be at their best. Our organization is committed to building the bridge that the society needs to excel.
Our team has begun to prevail on young people to ensure that they start taking life more seriously; get involved in youth oriented programmes; push themselves to the limit to overcome the challenges that come with modern day.
The biggest challenge in Nigeria, Africa and many parts of the world today is how to move forward, thus, there is need for governments, private and cooperate organizations, individuals or other to contribute to making the economy and the social infrastructure work.
In this endeavor we have partnered with Youngstars Foundation (Youngstars Developmental Initiative) Abuja.
TwoFeet Africa (2FA) Magazine, Abuja, IamBenue, an online Community based platform, Startright Childe Development Initiative (SCDI), Youth for Change & Social Life Development Foundation.
Reach us via: +234 8077972620, iaainigeria@gmail.com. On social, www.Facebook.com/ieeiafrica, and www.twitter.com/ieeiafrica