
PHASES (Autobiographical Series Continues)

It is no small feat, reaching into the shadows, to wrestle demons in our nightmares. These demons assume different forms, and vary from person to person. They could be economic, social, physical or emotional, regardless, they limit our progress as individuals hence their effects on our lives. The mental preparedness involved in confronting them is essential to our success as people. We must never leave anything to chance or let overconfidence betray the efforts made in facing the tide head on. For many, emerging at the other end of the tunnel is just as hard as deciding the best cause of action. Still, we must never relent at any stage, especially when the temptation to surrender is at its strongest. Alone, we may succumb but identifying others who face the same trials as ours and doing it together, is an alternative that we must never undervalue. I have learnt this the hard way. Nine years have gone by since i dashed against the dead end i erected. The rebuilding process has thick

How To Get A Job In The Corporate World

Getting started Creativity or the lack of it has contributed to what we now understand as unemployment. Often times you find people making so much noise about the fact that they cannot find a job even after completing school. In the corporate world, finding a job is not about the size of your C.V. It all depends on what you can offer. There is the popular notion that to get a job you have to know one or two influential people or bribe your way through. This notion has made many young people reluctant to go in search of job, especially in Nigeria. Our society has grown beyond the point where people should get stuck in the crowd all because they do not have an income. There is the constant roar of ‘no jobs’ everywhere you turn. Most people blame the government; some blame other people who they feel should have given them a job through their connections. For others superstition and outrageous beliefs stand in their way. Dwelling on all of these will not give you a job. All you need to d


Kator was close to tears while struggling to hold at bay his little's brother's fists, and had to smack the mischievous boy hard on the head. A loud cry issued. Their mother was in her sleepinhg quarters when the fight began. Long before morning, dawn had found her working on some work related documents and then house chores. She was tired and needed to rest for a while. Her sons' refusal to reconcile their childish charad lent her no relief. "Why should you two spoil the peace in this house ehn." She said, walking into the sitting room where Wange's angry voice kept its volume up. "Wange Cii zwa la!" "I wanted to sleep on the long chair but Wange won't let me. I told him to leave me alone and he started to fight me." Kator attempted to explain "Its a lie Mummy, i wanted to sleep there first." "Let me hear anymore noise from you two again. We will see if this house will contain all of us." This quelled them for