To begin, let us try to establish what murder is. Murder is a criminal act which involves taking the life of another human being by another human being. In other words, murder is the act of putting a person to death intentionally and unlawfully- with malice aforethought, using lethal force, torture, excessive toil or hardship, poison or by strangulation. Anyone who is found guilty of murder is said to have murdered or committed murder, and therefore, tagged a murderer. By law, a murderer, whether a first offender or not would get a prolonged jail term, life imprisonment, the death penalty or the verdict to hang depending on whether he/she is charged with first degree murder or second degree murder. First degree murder is when the offender committed the murder act intentionally and premeditatedly, while second degree murder is when the offender, through gross misconduct, or action or lie, contributes to the death of someone. In our society today, cases of manslaughter, homicide a...