

Lets do something for the poor and needy. They need our help and we cannot afford to leave them behind. We are their resource. We must reach out and give them the foundation of a lifetime. #LetsDoThis Contact Us IEEI AFRICA Email us: Call us: +234 8077972620 Posted via Blogaway


What do you want to change about yourself, home, neighbourhood, community, state or country? How do you want to go about it? Can you do it alone or do you need to enlist others to help you do it? These are questions that you must ask yourself and those around you. How you convince yourself or those who you believe can help you is Paramount. The language and creativity you employ in so doing must be something you and others must believe in at the individual and team levels. The answers will decide for you and subsequently change you for the better or for worse. For the better in the event that you come up with answers and the equivalent in actions, and for the worse, if these questions mean nothing to you and keep you inactive.  Everyday brings us face-to-face with situations that are our doing or undoing. Many times we are exposed to conditions that put us at risk. These conditions are not exclusive to the physical, psychological or environmental. They often arise from the s...

MURDER: What it means.

To begin, let us try to establish what murder is. Murder is a criminal act which involves taking the life of another human being by another human being. In other words, murder is the act of putting a person to death intentionally and unlawfully- with malice aforethought, using lethal force, torture, excessive toil or hardship, poison or by strangulation. Anyone who is found guilty of murder is said to have murdered or committed murder, and therefore, tagged a murderer. By law, a murderer, whether a first offender or not would get a prolonged jail term, life imprisonment, the death penalty or the verdict to hang depending on whether he/she is charged with first degree murder or second degree murder. First degree murder is when the offender committed the murder act intentionally and premeditatedly, while second degree murder is when the offender, through gross misconduct, or action or lie, contributes to the death of someone. In our society today, cases of manslaughter, homicide a...