Life is the most important essence of Human being, complex as it is to comprehend. Life can also be interpreted as the sum total of man. Humans are a very complicated set of people. Often, their moods and behaviors are dependent on how they feel. Suffix to say that people are just as emotional or sentimental at varied times. Most times due to the situations and/or circumstances that directly affects them. With the above said, we must note that there are dimensions to how the human mind thinks. Decisions are influenced by rational, irrational, moral and immoral codes. They may also tend to be indifferent, impatience, aggressive, content or disapproving. There are many controlling forces that rule men. Two of which include Fear and Anxiety. The ability to control these forces could mean that men are strong. The flip side is, Men are also vulnerable where these forces are concerned. Individual expectations from relationship with fellow humans, in things they are involved with and thi...